Wednesday, July 8, 2009



對照演藝界此刻的死後封神運動,生前糾纏麥可傑遜的種種傳聞,包括他為膚色漂白的怪行、孌童醜 聞等等,其實依舊根植在許多人的心目中,留下無可磨滅的負面印象。事實真相永無可解,然而撥開流言謎霧,或許人們可以用另一種角度試圖接近這個曾自言是 “地球最寂寞的人”的另外一面。


1. 麥可的膚色疑問

歷年來,圍繞在麥可傑遜的負面新聞之中,人們討論最多的是他的經過“漂白”的膚色。問題是,如 果這世界有黑人“漂白”這個技術,那麼絕不可能全世界只有他一個漂白了。可是世上除了他,就再沒有見過或聽說過其他有色人種“漂白”的例子。而事實上,現 代世界根本就沒有如此徹底的“漂白”技術。

對於自己的膚色轉白,麥可在1993年接受天后級黑人主播Oprah Winfrey的訪問時就解釋過了,他說他膚色的改是因為患了“白斑症”(Vitiligo,也稱白癜風),而且這種無藥可治的皮膚病早在70年代就開始了。他還提到,他的膚色白得很不勻稱,必須要用濃妝來掩飾。




2. 兩宗孌童案的疑思




先分析1993年那次的指控案,案中男童Jordy Chandler如果真的被人猥褻,那麼他的父親為甚麼不報警?反而是去找一個民事律師商量怎麼得金錢賠償?警方後來介入調查,並且搜查了麥可的所有住所,帶走他所有的私人物品,包括錄像帶、磁帶、圖片、CD和書籍,但沒有找到任何“罪證”。



第2次指控案發生在2003年。這年6月,原告癌症病童基雲一家報警,說麥可傑遜“性侵犯”了 基雲。奇怪的是,警方接報一直按兵不動,直到5個月後的2003年11月19,才對麥可傑遜的莊園實行大搜查並下達通緝令。而這天,正好是麥可傑遜的新精 選集《冠軍集合》的發行日。


依據美國的司法制度,法官沒有判刑決權,只有量刑權,而最終判決權,就是這12名陪審員,他們 是由檢辯雙方從數百名候選人中共同挑選的,全都是當地普通公民,年齡從19至79歲,由4男8女組成,其中有位是白人,4位是西班牙裔(原告是西班牙裔) 與一位亞裔組成。沒有黑人,因為檢方把黑人候選人全部剔除了。


3. 美國娛樂工業的黑暗面

所有關於麥可傑遜的負面新聞發生在1993年後,當時,麥可不僅已經是地球上最成功的表演藝 人,而且在美國音樂工業裡擁有極大的權勢。他擁有白人樂壇最寶貴的遺產──披頭四樂隊全部的歌曲版權,他擁有貓王的許多歌曲的版權,擁有歐美眾多著名歌手 數不清的歌曲的版權,他擁有全球第2大音樂公司SONY的全部歌曲的50%的版權。

他在全球擁有億萬計的追隨者,也是全球所有藝人中捐助慈善事業最多的一位,多次得到人道主義大 獎,並兩次得到諾貝爾和平獎提名。除了向全世界近40個慈善機構作出捐贈外,他還創立“拯救世界基金會”、“拯救兒童基金會Heal”、“麥可傑遜燒傷中 心”、“麥可傑遜有色人種教育基金會”、“麥可傑遜兒童醫院”等等,每年無償提供數以萬計的患者──特別是兒童患者,貧困患者醫療幫助。

只是這所有的一切,西方媒體都不願宣傳,因為,他們不需要救世主形象的流行歌手。而且麥可已經 成為一股令白人感到畏懼的黑色力量,尤其是白人種族主義者,他們的觀念就是:凸出的釘子就要把它打下去。自此,麥可被塑造成為鄙棄自身膚色的背叛者、不斷 漂白和整容(麥可只承認鼻子經過兩次整容手術)的“畸形人”(Wacko)、戀童癖的病態(但法律已證實他無罪),是娛樂界裡的“科學怪人”。麥可傑遜猝逝為世界帶來了最後的顫慄之舞,在全球引發海嘯規模的追悼行動,讓世人重新認證了流行音樂之王無與倫比的演藝魔力,同時也開始檢視他以個人天賦所留下的寶貴表演藝術遺產,以及他在慈善事業和地球和平運動上的巨大貢獻。

對照演藝界此刻的死後封神運動,生前糾纏麥可傑遜的種種傳聞,包括他為膚色漂白的怪行、孌童醜 聞等等,其實依舊根植在許多人的心目中,留下無可磨滅的負面印象。事實真相永無可解,然而撥開流言謎霧,或許人們可以用另一種角度試圖接近這個曾自言是 “地球最寂寞的人”的另外一面。


1. 麥可的膚色疑問

歷年來,圍繞在麥可傑遜的負面新聞之中,人們討論最多的是他的經過“漂白”的膚色。問題是,如 果這世界有黑人“漂白”這個技術,那麼絕不可能全世界只有他一個漂白了。可是世上除了他,就再沒有見過或聽說過其他有色人種“漂白”的例子。而事實上,現 代世界根本就沒有如此徹底的“漂白”技術。

對於自己的膚色轉白,麥可在1993年接受天后級黑人主播Oprah Winfrey的訪問時就解釋過了,他說他膚色的改是因為患了“白斑症”(Vitiligo,也稱白癜風),而且這種無藥可治的皮膚病早在70年代就開始了。他還提到,他的膚色白得很不勻稱,必須要用濃妝來掩飾。




2. 兩宗孌童案的疑思




先分析1993年那次的指控案,案中男童Jordy Chandler如果真的被人猥褻,那麼他的父親為甚麼不報警?反而是去找一個民事律師商量怎麼得金錢賠償?警方後來介入調查,並且搜查了麥可的所有住所,帶走他所有的私人物品,包括錄像帶、磁帶、圖片、CD和書籍,但沒有找到任何“罪證”。



第2次指控案發生在2003年。這年6月,原告癌症病童基雲一家報警,說麥可傑遜“性侵犯”了 基雲。奇怪的是,警方接報一直按兵不動,直到5個月後的2003年11月19,才對麥可傑遜的莊園實行大搜查並下達通緝令。而這天,正好是麥可傑遜的新精 選集《冠軍集合》的發行日。


依據美國的司法制度,法官沒有判刑決權,只有量刑權,而最終判決權,就是這12名陪審員,他們 是由檢辯雙方從數百名候選人中共同挑選的,全都是當地普通公民,年齡從19至79歲,由4男8女組成,其中有位是白人,4位是西班牙裔(原告是西班牙裔) 與一位亞裔組成。沒有黑人,因為檢方把黑人候選人全部剔除了。


3. 美國娛樂工業的黑暗面

所有關於麥可傑遜的負面新聞發生在1993年後,當時,麥可不僅已經是地球上最成功的表演藝 人,而且在美國音樂工業裡擁有極大的權勢。他擁有白人樂壇最寶貴的遺產──披頭四樂隊全部的歌曲版權,他擁有貓王的許多歌曲的版權,擁有歐美眾多著名歌手 數不清的歌曲的版權,他擁有全球第2大音樂公司SONY的全部歌曲的50%的版權。

他在全球擁有億萬計的追隨者,也是全球所有藝人中捐助慈善事業最多的一位,多次得到人道主義大 獎,並兩次得到諾貝爾和平獎提名。除了向全世界近40個慈善機構作出捐贈外,他還創立“拯救世界基金會”、“拯救兒童基金會Heal”、“麥可傑遜燒傷中 心”、“麥可傑遜有色人種教育基金會”、“麥可傑遜兒童醫院”等等,每年無償提供數以萬計的患者──特別是兒童患者,貧困患者醫療幫助。

只是這所有的一切,西方媒體都不願宣傳,因為,他們不需要救世主形象的流行歌手。而且麥可已經 成為一股令白人感到畏懼的黑色力量,尤其是白人種族主義者,他們的觀念就是:凸出的釘子就要把它打下去。自此,麥可被塑造成為鄙棄自身膚色的背叛者、不斷 漂白和整容(麥可只承認鼻子經過兩次整容手術)的“畸形人”(Wacko)、戀童癖的病態(但法律已證實他無罪),是娛樂界裡的“科學怪人”。


Monday, June 15, 2009



其实我有去google map 和wikimapia 找了那个地方,地图也画了,但是当我在开车的时候,突然多了很多路出来,情况很乱,八点的面试,我五点半就出门了,一直迷路到了七点,我知道我是没办法到那里了因为我画的地图根本不能用,我又想到如果那位经理本来七点或七点多已经收工了,怕他为了面试白等我,所以我就打了电话过去告诉他别等了,我或许不能够到,应该是说我根本不可能会在八点之前到,因为我误闯到吉隆玻了。结果被他训了一顿,"you still have one hour, our appointment is at 8pm, now only 7pm, you already want to give up? you don't want try find the road again? still have 1 hour you tell me you can't come already? you want to give up and go back now?" 什么男人嘛,人家在一个未曾到过的地方驾车,迷了路已经急到眼泪都快流出来了,你还要骂我,我才不是放弃只是担心你可能提早做好工作在等我,这才打给你的阿。算了,盖了电话继续找路。

就这样,从五点半一直迷路乱驾,跟路牌,过了一大堆的tol,还不知道该如何回去,结果驾到了南北大道,赶紧找个路口弯回雪兰莪,不然我就会到johor了吧!到了putra height的出口,当我要付路费时,才发现ticket不见了,找了很久,被后面的汽车hon了一下,找了又找,那该死的ticket居然躲在椅子中间的隙缝中。




Thursday, June 11, 2009

D' One Pacific, Sunway

Last week i went for an interview at D' One Pacific Sdn Bhd, beside Sunway Pyramid. The office is small however that time there were 3 peoples include me waiting for interview that times..

Once i walked in to the office i felt a bit weird because the receptionist there was listening pop music and the volume was quite loud, doesn't a professional company won't do that? this was what coming out in my heart while i was in the office.

Well, the branch manager Phoebe started interview me and another Malay girl together. From her information i know that this company has a lot of big clients like Celcom, Unicef, Budimas etc. They mainlly focus on NGO companies and help them developed their business. This were what she told me... Well after few days i get a call for second interview.

The malay girls also asking for the second interview, this time got another indian woman as well. That time was 8.30am, i saw a lot of people standing there and discuss something in the office. The receptionist told me they were meeting. I felt lifely, happy, fun and excited when looking on the way the meeting. It is not serius at all, they just look fun and energized. Some more they juice here juice there, cheers a lot.

This time i felt like it's kinda direcselling company becuase of cheering a lot, some more they will gather all together in a circle and the leader told them the business result on the day before and everyone seem so excited, clapping each others... well maybe it's their culture.

While the interview, brance manager told me that their company will treat us as business partner but not employees, they don't want make us too formal, and we are all friends learning each other, so if we are not the employee then they won't give us basic salary.. haha... a good reason, because we are friends so we can get commission unlimeted based on our exhibition and how much customers we get in the road show. Yes, road show.

The office is small becuase basically its using for morning brething and after that all the employees (partners?) will go to separate roadshow to promote their clients... This is what they say a mangement training to train your confidence... ok... i understand, we need chance to talk to strangers..

At the end i didn't accept the job because i still feel weird of the structure and function of the company, wonder why. Maybe no basic salary make me feel unsecure...

Interview at EDS, an HP company

Yesterday, i went Cyberjaya attent an interview at EDS company which is now an HP company. The position that i interviewed was technical helpdesk level 1.0, after that i told my senior i went to interview for this position and he said i am gila already, haha because he know that i like programming much more than networking or OS... hehe

The EDS building is so big and grandness... Big company really different huh... One of the advantages is i can easily find the right office since it is obvious and can see it from a distance.. haha...

Before the interview, i requested to finish a 25 multiple choices questions, related to troubleshooting, problem solving of networking, OS, software and other related to computer.

The interviewer was a very cool young lady called Tenex, at first i thought is a guy name and i think the name is very cool. After that, a very stylish, smart, unisex-fashion lady interviewed me.. She was very nice and i felt happy to talk with her. The interview not the kind of stress or serious style however i can say it's casual and i felt like talk to a friend.... yea.. Wonder can get the job or not.. haha

Interview at Maersk (M) Sdn Bhd

This morning I went for Maersk (M) Sdn Bhd interview for trainee at Shah Alam. It is one of the world's biggest shipping company. Today interview mainly is for logical thingking aka IQ test and personality assessment.

I could say it is very competative to get a job in the company because today there are around 70 more candidates interview together with me. So i am not alone and nervous, should i happy with that, oh no..

We only have 12 minutes to answer all 50 questions, the instructions require us answer as many question as we can so i skip those mathematical questions at first because which need more time on calculating and understanding the questions. After did all non-mathematical questions i just left very few times to go through the unanswered questions. Of course, i couldn't answered all the questions however i didn't feel upset because according to Shelyn ( the person incharge for today interviewe) nobody could answer all the questions so far...

Image source:

After the test is a 15 minutes multimedia show to let us know the history, all the departments of Maersk, the founder and his son, the board, the business and etc which related to the company. I feel so excited when watching the video and started imagine if i could work in this company it must be very amazing. Haha...

Coming after the show was the personality test... We can choose either english or malays version for the paper and of course i chose english one...

I feel very happy, relax and enjoy for the interview, i wonder why, i attends few interviews before but i never felt so calm, maybe because this time has so many candidates interview together with me...

The worst thing is after i attent the interview i found i get a summon from traffic police due to i parked my car at the road side... speechless..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I just know from my friend that i get A- in my thesis. I always think that i should get an A because i put a lot of effort and times on it. Everyone of my course mates can see it. However supervisor don't know, thats why she didn't give me an A. My tears drop down uncontrollable when getting know this bad news, my heart very pain, nervous, afraid, unbelievable, my heart beating abnormal, breathing become shorten, my brain is blank... The feeling just like someone telling you that you are not born by your mother or doctor tell you that you are pregnant even though you still a virgin...

i never feel that bad just due to my result, even when i know that i can't get 4.0 but 3.88 before enter uni, i just sad and cry but my brain and heart didn't that suffer because i can find a reason for not getting A in my Biology but A-. But now different, i can't find any reason i get A- in thesis but there are always the reasons i should get A.

All of my friends suppose that i could get A, my co-supervisor some more say i did very well and good in my project, i can't except why my supervisor give me A- at the end. I just want to show her how serious i treat this project.

I already sent an email to her asking the reason and hope she can reconsider it, if still can't change the result.... i wonder what i can i do already

Sunday, May 17, 2009

what i do in my holiday??

At first plan to go Beijing and conquer the great wall, but because of H1N1 flu, my parents postponed the plan and go to Japan at June (when i start my working life) so i am not going where this holiday except went Pulau Langkawi just after exam with my course mates..

So what should i do except sit on the sofa during this 3 weeks? well my life is bored... The activities of this holiday are:

1.) Shopping (of course, even when i am at PJ, Mid Valley will be my second home and Sunway Pyramind is the 3rd....)

2.) Facebook-ing (well, this is the easiest way to tell my friends i still alive and to make sure my friends not affected by HINI flu)

3.) Sleeping (not mean that i won't sleep if not holiday, just in holiday i sleep more than usual, twice a day from 12am to 9am... than evening continue... i always find a reason for myself "sleeping is good for skin"...)

4.) After sleep at morning is my breakfast time, after wake up at the evening, it will be my dinner time... so everytime after sleep i will eat... but not eating cactus of course... the picture just for illustration...

Due to this holiday was coming just after exam period, which i labelled it as weight gain period, so i have to work hard to burn my fat which "moisture" me during exam, support me and accompony me when i am stress while studying... So i have to exervise also in this holiday such as Gym and Sauna....

P/S: I not recomment you to apply hot chili slimming cream before your sauna bath, because it will burn inner side of your skin, with the hot temperature, you will just feel like sitting on flame, the pain can make you jump like monkey in the sauna room... i knew a stupid used to do that before...

Sometimes in sauna room u can see hot pretty sexy lady inside... of course the room is separated for different sex..

After gym and sauna, i always will jump into the swimming pool and swim like a pig...

ok, i admit i not good in swimming, when i swim from one end to another one, the angmor in the same pool already swimming 5 rounds i think.... i wonder he got laugh at me inside his heart or not but i got laugh at him inside my heart, because he looks so cute and funny, i can't stop to look at his goggles because its look like the one at below:

its very hard to find in swimming pool, i thik it is used for snorkeling.. Maybe he forgot to bring a normal 1 to Malaysia...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wisdom teeth extraction

Last month, i have my left side wisdom teeth extraction at Kah Kah Dental Clinic, ss2, Petaling Jaya. The operation need around 1 hour plus...
This is the bottom one, to extract it, i need to pay RM500!!

Upper and bottom wisdom tooth, to pull the upper side tooth, it cost much more cheaper if compare to bottom one, RM80.. Why the range is so wide? Its because the upper side tooth just take about few minutes to extract out but the bottom one used up to an hour....

I lost a lot of blood for the operation... Total cost:

Bottom wisdom tooth RM500
upper wisdom tooth RM 80
X-ray x 2 RM 50
Medicine RM 50
Total RM680

And i plane to extract my right upper wisdom tooth soon, because it started pain already..

Blood donation @ city harvest church

Last few weeks, the house of God was having a blood donation campaign... To contribute some help in this society, i decided to donate my blood to the needs... sound grandness huh? :D
The corresponding hospital was my University hospital, the PBUM.

They thought the people in church wanted to donate won't have much so they just bring below 100 of packs and few chairs here, however they might not know this church has so much members who are so desperate to donate their blood for helping people... Thus the waiting process was up to few hours due to not enough bed for us and also have to wait them went back to hospital to take more packs for filling blood...
The nurse was surprise when she saw this audacious girl taking photo while she was insert the big needle in her hand because usually female even gentleman would turn their head to aside, avoid seeing that process by this kinda sweet young girl dare to take the photo by herself....

She even taking the video of the process!! Gosh! So brave huh? Who is her ya? So impressive..

Nah... the kinda tough girl is me! is me!! proud of myself for this second... just for this second, why? because at the end i fail to donate the blood after waiting few hours. My blood was stop few times and finally clotting at the half way of donate x.x

At first the blood can drain out but not fast, wonder why it slow down even stop few while in the process, the nurse was so anger on it, she even blame me because i pressed the sponge on my hand making the needle shifted a bit so the blood can't came out, i felt so chagrin, it was not my fault right? the sponge on my hand is for press one right? if not what for they gave me that?

At the end my blood was wasted, see.. just half pack my blood filled in.. So disappointed and shamed of myself.. This was not the first time, previously i used to failed in blood donating due to blood clotting also, wonder is it my health got problem? any idea?

However, i like the sponge actually, although it making me been scolded by that kinda frighten nurse, there was a joke there regarding of this sponge among 3 of us - me, Kellie and nurse A(not the 1 who scolded me)...ME:" you see, the sponge is so cute, its like a human heart!"
Kellie:" ya lor ya lor"
ME:" nono, its not a heart, the shape not like a heart, i think is a liver.."
ME:" yes! it is a liver"
Kelllie:"ya ya.."
Nurse A:" Ah moi, ini bukan liver, its a kidney!"
ME and Kellie:"..... hahaha"

That day, i met Anthony Chang. At first when Kellie told me was him, i turn my head around but can't see any "star" there, finally Kellie make me believed that the one in blood test was him... i hard to believe it... And now for sure i can tell you he win the contest by his talent in singing and definitely not due to his apprearance is handsome or beautiful....
Still no idea who he is? Ok, let me intro to you, do you know SHE? he is same music company with them... Do you know astro? he is the winner of 2003 Astro Talent Quest... Do you know Jay Chao? Ok, i think they are not related maybe Jay is his idol, who knows?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cupping Therapy 拔罐儿

Cupping therapy traditionally was using a detachable stove chimney put at your back and sucks out the "wet gas" from your muscle which make you feel to ache, sometimes they put on your stomach too if stomachache...

Due to i always doing work with my laptop and less exercise, (ok i confess is "no exercise" if shopping not calculated as an exercise... ) my back always pain for a period, so last year when i visit my friend at Melacca, she bring me to meet a Doctor of Chinese Medicine for a cupping therapy to suck out my poison blood which make me pain at the back, according what she said...

Before she put the cups to suck the blood, she used a needle slightly stab at the area of cupping so that the blood can come out.... U can see my blood which make my neck and shoulder pain was coming out....

My left shoulder...

Experimentally prove that my blood is red just in case you don't know. At the time i got a feeling like hope the liquid coming out were not blood but "fatty acid" squeeze out from my adipose tissue, can imagine just like this... wow! if like that then the business of the clinic must be very good after this.. haha... Nah, wake up, stop dream....

Well, the weird thing was after she removed the cups, she let me see some of my blood was clotting in pieces, means that i have some blood cloted at my back before... so terrible...

After cupping thereapy, my back bruise for 2 weeks...

Sigh, have to wash my cloth which dyed by fat... oh no, is blood...

拔罐儿 [báguànr]
  1. 1. verb To treat disease by cupping a small jar with ignited paper or alcohol soaked cotton in it, on a certain point of the body or where treatment is needed, to cause hyperemia at the cupped area, usually for cold, coughing, rheumatism, and muscle pains.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009

Year 2009 is the year of Ox, means that we have to work hardworking like an Ox, honorable like an Ox and strong like an Ox... Agree?

The most important is we must EAT MORE CHICKEN!
Nah... If you agree then you must me always eating and lazy at the year of Pig! That's no good..

Well, at this Chinese New Year, my family was having an open house party...
From the right: Family of Leong, Daddy, Brother, Me and Mummy.. We wear similar traditional cloth and have a same posing to welcome our guest... >